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Individual psychotherapy and counselling
Whether one may be experiencing unresolved emotional pain, mental illness, or a challenging circumstance, this can affect one’s quality of life. Through counselling and psychotherapy, one can explore other ways of coping, seeing issues differently, and working through current and past experiences.  
Some of the struggles that people may experience, but are not limited to, include: 
- Anxiety, including panic attacks and OCD related disorders
- Depression
- Low Self-Esteem
- Stress and Burnout
- Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) 
- Chronic Pain
- Anger or Frustration
- Rejection
- Difficulty Adjusting
- Attachment/Commitment Challenges
- Expressing Emotions
- Dealing with Shame and Guilt
- Relationships and Breakups 
- Addiction(s)
- Conflict Resolution 
- Decision Making or Problem Solving
- Goal Setting
- Communication